Do Unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    Some people aren't Christians. But I just wanna point out, I am. But lately I've been feeling separated from my Savior, and I hate that. 

    So I'm deciding now that I'm going to try and follow at least one of the commandments (and not the easy ones like not murdering) every day. And if you may, I was wondering if you guys could follow along!

    Every day I will add on. but today is the GOLDEN RULE!!! Which I'm going to struggle with. I'm going through puberty and it's so hard to control my emotions! But you can do everything through Him who gives us strength. So I will do it. 

    If you aren't a Christian, please, avert your ways. God loves you. Even if you've done some nasty thing, (which we all have, by the way) God will forgive you if you ask him too. If you've murdered someone. Even if you think you're worthless, you're not. God knows you, and that can be scary, but he knows both sides, the good and the bad. And he'll wash away the bad like it was never their. 

John 3: 16, for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

He gave his only Son so that you would not die and rot in hell. He gave his only Son to be with you! YOU! Surely that will prove that whatever you've done God can forgive. Oh, and also, if you decide to be a Christian, life will not be easy. You may think, 'Oh, if I believe in God than life will pass through easily!

Heaven is a beautiful place, with everything perfect. Hell is the opposite. Fire, pain, everything 10000000000 times worse than what you've experienced here on earth. Please, become a Christian and believe in the Almighty. 

And if you don't wanna become a Christian, at least let me pray for you. 

"Dear Lord, please take this sinners sins and wipe them clean. Let them lift their faces up to you and believe, take their hurts and their pains away. And I know many people who aren't Christians won't find this, but I believe that you can work miracles! Bring unbelievers here and make them followers of you! Bless them and hold them in your hands. In Jesus Name, Amen."


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