Everything Random

 Hey ya'll! Okay, really it's just me, but still! Our first business, 

WE GOT KITTENS! Foster kittens from the ARL. 


The orange one my adorable younger sister is mine, his name is Ozo. (3) The reason for his name is that on his side it says O (weird scribbly line) O! The scribbly line I decided was a z. The gray one in picture two is Cypress', whom she decided looked like a cloud, and therefore named him "Cloudy." #adorable. She's a girl, by the way. 
The 1 picture is Zoey, or Chloe, I'm not sure which. My twin Della keeps changing her name back and forth. Back and forth. All the time. 
Anyway, next item. My cousins are moving in to the ugly house next to us. It could be beautiful with new siding and a new roof, but no one wants to take much time. 
We've been weeding out the garden for them, #soreback, and us kids are sooo excited! 

Us kids pitched in, working till sunset willingly for an unknown award. When we were done, we went to Perkins for pie. Yum. I suggest Heath bar pie, or french silk. My mom and dad inserted a pole with lights, and it's the literal best. My suggestions for everyone. Seriously, get this done immediately. 

BEAUTIFUL! It's even solar powered, and you can read and watch it on my mom's blog!

Remi's doing wonderful, though we need to get a hold of his biting problem. It's getting out of hand.

That's all for now, except for this funny video of Remi trying to push me on the swing, #soadorablebutnothelpful

