Okay, seriousely. A dream about a pastel blue jumpsuit? What is wrong with me?

If you read this, be prepared to know that it will probably be nice to have a toilet around, considering you'll laugh so hard you'll pee your pants. 

Last night, I fell into Sunday morning in the Dream World. I decided to wear a wedding gown to look nice at church. After the sermon, we decided to go to a rusty old Antique store, before changing. 

So I was in an antique store in a floofy wedding dress, walking down the aisles of old things. While I was walking I notice one of my friends, a boy that I had liked who like me back was with his friends. I have no idea why his friends, or he, was like this, because they aren't in real life. His friends had dusty blond hair with a little bloop at the end and were all drooling onto the carpet. I seriously can't explain it more than that. Anyway, one of his friends was wearing a pastel blue jumpsuit. 

    The boy looked almost exactly like the others and all I caught of their conversation was "marriage." . I got tired and went to sit with my cousin, Kendall, in two antique chairs, with a rug beneath them. 

    We sat and talked when the boy, now dressed in a blue tux with his normal hair, came up to me, with his friends behind him and my friend, Betsy dressed as a bridesmaid. Considering I was wearing a wedding dress, it looked like we were at a wedding. I suppose that was the plan. 

    The boy bent down on one knee and asked, "Will you marry me, Paisley?" 

    I flipped my blonde hair behind my back, looked sadly at him and said, "No. NAME REMOVED. I will not marry you, because I don't like you anymore." 

    His face fell, and tears came to his eyes as he looked away. "But.. I loved you." The scene shifted, and now I was in the shower. The doors were wide open, and I didn't know that the boy and his little sister were hiding under the bed blankets. The scene shifts again and this time, they're behind a clear wall, talking, and I'm still not sure whether they had seen me or not. I quickly got out once I noticed them and for some reason, I'd forgotten my towel, so I crawled out the bathroom. 

    The scene shifts for the third time, and this time, I'm dressed and dry, but the boy and his little sister are under the bedcovers again. Strangely, it's my mom and dad's bed. I lift part of the blankets off, and his little sister screamed at me, "How dare you not like my brother anymore?" I couldn't answer, so I lifted the whole blanket up, gasping when I saw the boy. He glares at me and pushes me away. 

    "I don't hang out with people who don't like me anymore." He spat. I took a step back, asking,

    "But, can't we still be friends?" I asked. 

    "NO." He yelled, and the scene shifted. Again. 

    This time, we were in my living room, and we were having a movie night. I was younger, 10 maybe? But he was the same age. Yes. He was at my family's movie night. I don't know why, but he was. My cousin, Kendall, the same girl at the Antique store was also there, and we were sitting on the hard floor. Me and the boy were teasing my cousin and I looked him in the eye and said, "Can we please be friends?" He looked away, but looked thoughtful. When he turned back to me, he was smiling, and he told me, "Maybe. 

    I guess the lesson out of this is do not like guys with a bloop as his haircut. Or wear a wedding dress to a church sermon.

    I know I'll have many new dreams, but this is all for now. Byiii!!!

Update: I have officially told him that I don't like him, and we are very close friends now, thankfully. He does not want his name on here.


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