Hey guys. So, horomones?

For all of you guys who think growing up is easy, you're wrong. Very, very wrong. I mean, I love being alive but sometimes it's hard. And today was one of the harder days. Our school is getting rid of study hall. The one time in my day where I can recoup. And they're. Taking. It. Away. They say it's a day of firsts? I say it's a day of firsts. I've never cried angry tears at school before. Ever. Again. Day of firsts. And that's when my friend suggested a petition, writing little notes. Some examples are: " I'd feel so lonely without study hall." Lyna One of mine: "By taking away study hall, you are taking away our one time to recoup in the entire day. You're already forcing us to sit for 8 hours with tiny breaks in between. I'm a mess at home, and that's with study hall. By taking away this brain break, you'...