Hey guys. So, horomones?

For all of you guys who think growing up is easy, you're wrong. Very, very wrong. I mean, I love being alive but sometimes it's hard. And today was one of the harder days. 

    Our school is getting rid of study hall. 

    The one time in my day where I can recoup. 

    And they're. Taking. It. Away. 

    They say it's a day of firsts? I say it's a day of firsts. I've never cried angry tears at school before. Ever. 

   Again. Day of firsts. 

    And that's when my friend suggested a petition, writing little notes. Some examples are:

    "I'd feel so lonely without study hall."


    One of mine:

    "By taking away study hall, you are taking away our one time to recoup in the entire day. You're already forcing us to sit for 8 hours with tiny breaks in between. I'm a mess at home, and that's with study hall. By taking away this brain break, you're basically signing yourself up for a horde of angry hormonal teenagers." -Paisley

"I've never felt so frustrated. I almost cried angry tears, you can't take away study hall." -Ada. 

    So if anyone out there finds this, please send a note to our school in the comments below with your name, and add to our petition. Guys, if you're my age, or past, you can understand how frustrated I feel right now, especially since I felt annoyed before with the school, due to how they do things. I get that they do it cuz they're a Christian school. But I'm allowed to feel upset. I'm allowed to have my own feelings. 

    And I get that study hall is a privilege. But I believe it's a privilege we have a right to. 

Thank you.

Update: They have not gotten our study hall back but I have come to peace with this fact. God has helped me forgive my grudges against multiple people. 


  1. Dear My Besties School,
    I understand why taking study hall out of the program may suggest more time for learning, or maybe even a shorter school day, but if that's not the case, I guess I'm on the student's side. As a homeschooled kid, I understand the dire need to give my brain a break when it calls for one. Time to regroup is also a time to discover and process what you've learned. Keeping study hall available may actually bring out better results in your students, and here's why:
    1. When my brain isn't working, or I'm tired, even if I hear what my teacher is saying, I never fully process. Knowing there's a break coming, or I'll have that chance to process helps. Having study hall would prevent distracted and disoriented kids from not focusing on their work

    2. The nonstop strain of school can wound the thinking process, causing wrong answers in tests and second guessing. There is also an emotional strain evolved. At that age most kids need that break to really calm down, breathe, and focus. It will act as a healthy restart to their brain, refreshing it and presenting new opportunities for learning, and probably better attitudes when the work must start again.

    3. Study Hall would act as a relaxing moment to think. But because it's study hall, it would give a quiet time to regroup with themselves, and then concentrate on the task ahead with peacefulness. Home cannot always be the best place to work, but study hall maybe. If you bring it back, students will be more than happy to participate in the activities it holds, which is studying. It would bring happiness to the memories of school. When you attach happy memories to something, it makes that thing seem fun and excitable. Attaching that to "study" hall would be a very good idea. It would bring optimistic work to your student's school, and optimism gives people a better edge on things. Better results.

    Thank you,
    (P.S, my best friends go to your school so don't judge me ^w^)



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