Self-Doubt is for Winners

 I have many friends. Some even, have what I have, self doubt. It stinks. And sucks. But sometimes you've gotta embrace it. I'm gonna do an post after this on quotes so don't be upset about the no pictures one. When I was littler, I didn't understand self-doubt. Like, isn't it good to be conscious of yourself and have guilt about your sins? The answer to that question is yes. But self doubt isn't only guilt cuz you did something naughty, it can be about your looks, your voice, your talents, your strengths, your weaknesses. Another reason I thought self doubt was sketchy is because whenever I saw positive affirmations on the internet I thought, man. If these  people listen to these, they're gonna be greedy. 

But no. 

Positive affirmations only make you feel like you're a better person. You're always gonna have a tiny part of you that feels shy about being you, but the affirmations shut it a little. It doesn't make you greedy, just a makes you feel beautiful the way you are. 

And for any of you who feels self doubt, this is my message to you. 

Don't feel like you have to be strong for everyone else or yourself. God is going to be strong for you. He is strong for you. And he made you the way you are. You're not a mistake.  


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