I know it's been ages. But I'm a teenage girl and things slip my mind. Writing a blog as one of them. It's okay though. I'm not the ONLY blogger who forgets to write. *hem hem* Leona. Speaking of Leona. I've mentioned her a lot so if you don't know who she is by now, well, sorry for you. Because she's my best friend. EVER. And you can't have her. 😝 Anyways, we met when we were 7 or 8. They moved like 5 years ago. To Tennessee. Yes I was furious. Don't ever let your bestie move away from your state or you will have MAJOR problems. (If you can't tell one of my major problems is that I absolutely ADORE capital letters.) So on Saturday, my siblings and I are going all the way to their house, driving. Am I excited? For seeing her, yes. For the drive, no. Because I have a twin and a 9 year old sister with ADHD on the drive with me. My twin gets carsick (vomiting) with a 40 minute drive so that will be fun. We're staying there for two weeks with...