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 I know it's been ages. But I'm a teenage girl and things slip my mind. Writing a blog as one of them. It's okay though. I'm not the ONLY blogger who forgets to write. *hem hem* Leona.  Speaking of Leona. I've mentioned her a lot so if you don't know who she is by now, well, sorry for you. Because she's my best friend. EVER. And you can't have her. 😝  Anyways, we met when we were 7 or 8. They moved like 5 years ago. To Tennessee. Yes I was furious. Don't ever let your bestie move away from your state or you will have MAJOR problems. (If you can't tell one of my major problems is that I absolutely ADORE capital letters.) So on Saturday, my siblings and I are going all the way to their house, driving. Am I excited? For seeing her, yes. For the drive, no. Because I have a twin and a 9 year old sister with ADHD on the drive with me. My twin gets carsick (vomiting) with a 40 minute drive so that will be fun. We're staying there for two weeks with

Same Old. Same Old. Same Old. Anyone see a pattern?

 Hey guys! It's been so long, sorry, wish I could say I've been too busy.  In reality, this is what I've been doing.  Waking up, eat, go to school, suffer through math and english, move on to lunch and recess drone out teachers come home get annoyed by siblings get bored read get bored repeat.  So yeah. Been too busy being bored. Sorry! I just feel like every day is a copy of the other and I'm so tired of it. I just want to do something dangerous and exciting. But there is legit nothing to do that's dangerous and exciting.  Yes. I'm asking for help. PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS MONOTONY CALLED LIFE RIGHT NOW. 😥😥😥😭😭😭😪

Quotes for Self-Doubt


Self-Doubt is for Winners

 I have many friends. Some even, have what I have, self doubt. It stinks. And sucks. But sometimes you've gotta embrace it. I'm gonna do an post after this on quotes so don't be upset about the no pictures one. When I was littler, I didn't understand self-doubt. Like, isn't it good to be conscious of yourself and have guilt about your sins? The answer to that question is yes. But self doubt isn't only guilt cuz you did something naughty, it can be about your looks, your voice, your talents, your strengths, your weaknesses. Another reason I thought self doubt was sketchy is because whenever I saw positive affirmations on the internet I thought, man. If these  people listen to these, they're gonna be greedy.  But no.  Positive affirmations only make you feel like you're a better person. You're always gonna have a tiny part of you that feels shy about being you, but the affirmations shut it a little. It doesn't make you greedy, just a makes you fee


 A year ago yesterday, my dog died.  He was the best thing that ever happened to me.  And when he was gone, I felt like I was gone too. I always knew that he'd move on one day. But I wasn't prepared. This is the story.  I wrote a play for my school, and we'd worked for months to practice for this Wednesday. The energy was everywhere, I was so excited. The play went wonderfully. No mistakes. It was a perfect day. But something was off. My mom didn't smile once. She looked like she was fighting tears. My dad had no expression. I think he felt numb. After the play we sang a christian song called Shoulders. These are the lyrics.  Lyrics I look up to the mountains Does my strength come from the mountains? No, my strength comes from God Who made heaven and earth, and the mountains When confusion's my companion And despair holds me for ransom I will feel no fear I know that You are near When I'm caught deep in the valley With chaos for my company I'll find my comfo

Hey guys. So, horomones?

For all of you guys who think growing up is easy, you're wrong. Very, very wrong. I mean, I love being alive but sometimes it's hard. And today was one of the harder days.      Our school is getting rid of study hall.      The one time in my day where I can recoup.      And they're. Taking. It. Away.      They say it's a day of firsts? I say it's a day of firsts. I've never cried angry tears at school before. Ever.     Again. Day of firsts.      And that's when my friend suggested a petition, writing little notes. Some examples are:     " I'd feel so lonely without study hall."     Lyna       One of mine:     "By taking away study hall, you are taking away our one time to recoup in the entire day. You're already forcing us to sit for 8 hours with tiny breaks in between. I'm a mess at home, and that's with study hall. By taking away this brain break, you're basically signing yourself up for a horde of angry hormonal teenager


  This is my late chocolate Lab, Reuben, Reubs. He was a really good boy. And one of the only people who really listened to me, or even understood me. He never got mad at me or yelled at me or even bit, growled or pushed me. He was just a good old dog. And even though I love my other dog, Reuben will always be extra special to me. He was my first friend. He was their when I came home from the hospital, when I came home from my first day of preschool, he was there when I came back from my wagon rides, he was there when I learned to walk, when Cypress was born, he was there on chrismas morning, when I fought with my friends. He was there through it all. And I heart him. LOVE YOU REUBEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

KOTCL (Keeper of the Lost City) Theories

 If you haven't read Keeper of the Lost Cities then your life is worthless and you need to get your driver's license to drive to the library. And stop reading this cuz spoilers, obvi.  Anywho, in the books there is a seriously amazing dude named Keefe, and a main character named Sophie, hence Keephie, Team Foster-Keefe, Sokeefe, they're the beautiful couple at the bottom. Aren't they adorable? Any who, they need to get together and then have totally Keefe based kids while they're at it. I'm going to write many more stories on couples from Kotlc, but for now, I have a different blog post on my mind.

Please pray for a friend.

As you can see, a friend of mine and his family is struggling. I can't say who, because I'm not sure if the family wants me to. The mom of this friend is supposedly fighting cancer She is taking a test to make sure, and my friend is struggling. The family's youngest children do not know, and I just want ya'll to pray.      


      If you don't know us, we have this tiny teeny powder room. Super small.           Nasty, amiright?          So I tore off 3 layers of wallpaper, ending in the bathroom looking like this:      Then I had to mud it.                          After mudding, came my choice of wallpaper.           Isn't it pretty? I think so. Except for the.... LIGHTING.                                                               I love it so much.  It's so amazing. Follow for more.